Descendants of Najew and Lieza by Pastor Rhyad Hamid 1-416-875-1384
Email: - click on each name to follow the family line.

Last updated June 5th. 2024


First Generation

1. Najew __________ , son of Unknown and Unknown .

General Notes: Najew came from India as a skilled labourerin building railways. He would walk from Meten-meer-zorg to Vreeden Hoop where the railway building commenced. On the way back home in the afternoon he would pick branches to build the Masjid in Meten-meer-zorg. He was very instrumental in starting and building the Masjid. He is buried in an unmarked area in the Masjid yard not far from where the pond was.
He worked as a driver in the Uitvlught (Highfluk) Estate-like an oveerseer. He arranged work for the workers in the cane fields.He was fair skin and about 6 feet tall. In his later years he had a stroke and lived on for many more years at home where he was taken care of by his wife.

Najew married Lieza ____________ , daughter of Unknown and Unknown .

General Notes: Lived in a 12 room logie in village of Meten-meer-zorg. She was a short (5' 4'') light skin lady. She died before Ma(Naza) married at sixteen.Lieza lived in 3 rooms of the logie,Dinea and family(including aunty Moon) lived in 2 rooms, Maxudan live for a while in 2 rooms with her children( Ma and her brother.A very interesting and surprising fact was that my(Rhyad Hamid) wife grand mother(her mother's mother) lived in the same logie(3 rooms) as a little girl with her family and used to play with my grand mother as little girls.Her Great grand mother was a seamstress
Lieze also had an older sister who was deaf.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 2 F    i. Sookia __________ .

+ 3 F    ii. Maxudan __________ was born about 1890 in Meten-Meer-Zorg.

+ 4 F    iii. Lattefan __________ was born on 14 Nov 1889 in Meten-Meer-Zorg and died on 27 Dec 1969.

+ 5 F    iv. Massoran __________ was born in Meten-Meer-Zorg.

+ 6 F    v. Jaitoon(Hannah) __________ was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

+ 7 M    vi. Hassan __________ was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

+ 8 M    vii. Manna __________ was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

+ 9 M    viii. Yacub __________ was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

+ 10 M    ix. Saladin(Dinea) __________ .

+ 11 F    x. Jainub(Jine) __________ died in Dec 1974 in Mercy Hospital, and was buried in 1974 in Jonestown, Guyana.

+ 12 F    xi. Fatima __________ was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

Second Generation

2. Sookia __________ (Najew1).

General Notes: Was born somewhere in Meten-meer-zorg.

Sookia married Khudrat ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 13 F    i. Sarah __________ .

+ 14 F    ii. Hazra (Aunty Shorty) __________ .

+ 15 F    iii. Khartum __________ .

3. Maxudan __________ (Najew1) was born about 1890 in Meten-Meer-Zorg.

General Notes: Abdool Hussain had split with Maxudan when Ma was a little girl and was living near the post office in Zeeburg dam. His mother was living with him in a wooden house. She was blind(ma was around 10 or 11 at that time) He had remarried and had one son with his second wife, his name was Cassim, he died as a baby at one or two years old.

After Maxudan got married she moved to Zeeburg dam near the post office. The house was a type of house with mud walls and a cow dung floor. The roof was made of dew grass(a big leaf called Torlee) and mud. It had a living room, one bedroom and a kitchen area with a mud fireplace

Maxudan married Abdool HUSAIN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.


Children from this marriage were:

+ 16 F    i. Hasno (Ma) __________ .

+ 17 M    ii. Juman YASSIN .

Maxudan next married Thomas ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He was thin built, brown skin, about 5 feet 6 inches tall. he was a very good and caring father, both to his children and step children.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 18 F    i. Nasiban(Aunty Rabbie) Sybil __________ was born on 26 Mar 1926 and died in 1990.

+ 19 M    ii. Abdul sattar (Buddy) __________ .

4. Lattefan __________ (Najew1) was born on 14 Nov 1889 in Meten-Meer-Zorg and died on 27 Dec 1969.

General Notes: She resembled Naza Hack, but was a little bigger build and talked alot.She died in her 80's. Lived with her son Buddy at 127 De Wiliam until her death.She had a grocery store .

Lattefan married A.D HACK , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He was the father of Hashim Hack (Hacks bicycles)

Lattefan next married Rattan(2nd. husband) ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He was a hindu from Canal #1 and was light skin

Children from this marriage were:

+ 20 M    i. Yacoub __________ .

+ 21 M    ii. Cassim __________ .

+ 22 F    iii. Haliman __________ .

+ 23 F    iv. Basiran __________ died in Oct 2003 in Meten meer zorg,and was buried in zeeburg Cemetry.

+ 24 F    v. Lulu (Asiran) __________ died 7th july,2004 in Meten meer zorg -buried at zeeburg cemetry.

+ 25 M    vi. Abraheem Buddy __________ .

5. Massoran __________ (Najew1) was born in Meten-Meer-Zorg.

General Notes: She was short , fair skin and big build. she had a grocery business in Jonestown and lived in the same building.

Massoran married Musraf ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He came from India

Children from this marriage were:

+ 26 F    i. Meriam(Roni) ALI was born in 1925 in , Guyana and died in 1997 in TORONTO.

+ 27 F    ii. Nesha __________ .

+ 28 M    iii. Ali __________ .

+ 29 M    iv. Ayube ALI .

6. Jaitoon(Hannah) __________ (Najew1) was born in Meten-Meer-Zorg.

General Notes: She lived to the age of 99. It is possible that she was over 100 years old when she died.She was elected along with the oldest Guyanese east Indian male to unveil the monument to the Indentured Labourers of Guyana.

Jaitoon(Hannah) married Manny SATTAR , son of Unknown and Unknown .

Children from this marriage were:

+ 30 M    i. Roman Roy SATTAR .

+ 31 M    ii. Samad SATTAR .

+ 32 M    iii. Nazir Noel SATTAR .

+ 33 M    iv. Camil SATTAR .

+ 34 M    v. Inshan SATTAR .

+ 35 F    vi. Badora (Aunty Bado) SATTAR .

7. Hassan __________ (Najew1) was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

General Notes: His two daughters lived in Riumvelt. Had his own business. Did not attend family events much.

Hassan married Pulbe ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Lived in Riumvelt.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 36 F    i. Unknown(girl) __________ .

+ 37 F    ii. Unknown(girl) __________ .

+ 38 M    iii. Yusuf __________ died.

8. Manna __________ (Najew1) was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

General Notes: He adopted two Children. One became a priest.

Manna married Unknown ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: She was from Windsor Forest

Children from this marriage were:

+ 39 F    i. Hosna __________ .

+ 40 F    ii. Baba __________ .

+ 41 M    iii. Gullaboy __________ .

+ 42 M    iv. Shakeer __________ .

9. Yacub __________ (Najew1) was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

General Notes: Never Married. Lived with his mother in Meten-meer zorg in a range (Logee)

10. Saladin(Dinea) __________ (Najew1).

General Notes: His wife worked very hard to provide for their family.They lived in Cornelia Ida, west coast.

Saladin(Dinea) married Hakimat ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: she worked very hard to provide for her family. She was a seamstress. She came from Cornelia Ida village

Children from this marriage were:

+ 43 F    i. Khairool __________ was born in 1905.

+ 44 M    ii. Azeez KHAN . was born in 1905

+ 45 M    iii. Bulla __________ .

+ 46 F    iv. Moon __________ . Died 1992

+ 47 M    v. Shafee__________ died date unknown, and was buried on an unknown date.

11. Jainub(Jine) __________ (Najew1) died in Dec 1974 in Mercy Hospital, and was buried in 1974 in Jonestown, Guyana.

General Notes: Khairool and Azeez are twins .Lived in Meten meer zorg.

Jainub(Jine) married John bahadio SINGH , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He was a very good Detective and died from poisoning. He lived in Jonestown. After he died, their home was destroyed by a suspicious fire.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 48 M    i. Abrahim SINGH .

+ 49 M    ii. Doc SINGH .

+ 50 F    iii. Baba SINGH .

+ 51 F    iv. Betty SINGH .

+ 52 F    v. Baby SINGH .

12. Fatima __________ (Najew1) was born in Meten-meer-zorg.

General Notes: Lived at 38 station street. Loved going to the movies, once a day if possible. She was a generous, kind and gentle person.

Fatima married Abdool SATTAUR , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 53 F    i. Sherazade Baby __________ .

+ 54 F    ii. Shaimune __________ died in 1998 in TORONTO.

+ 55 F    iii. Farida __________ died in 1970 in Georgetown.

+ 56 F    iv. Saleema SATTAUR .

Fatima next married Sattar ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Third Generation

13. Sarah __________ (Sookia2, Najew1).

Sarah married unknown-from Leguan ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 57 M    i. Prince __________ .

14. Hazra (Aunty Shorty) __________ (Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: She lived with Naza for a number of years and was a very kind and gentle aunty. she was short and thin build and always had a smile on her face.

Hazra married Gafoor ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 58 M    i. Shakoor (Sakor) __________ .

+ 59 M    ii. Amin __________ .

+ 60 M    iii. Juma __________ .

15. Khartum __________ (Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Was married but did not have any children.

Khartum married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

16. Hasno (Ma) __________ (Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Her mother remarried after her father divorced her mother. She grew up with her step father. Her Husband donated the land and raised money to build the Kitty Masjid and was one of the founding members of the Kitty Boys orphagnage. On his dying bed he Donated $500.00 to help build the orphanage(a hefty sum at that time) After his death many merchants robbed Hasno by refusing to pay what they owed. Hasno lives in Toronto and is 93 years old(22/Nov/2004.

On December 25th 2004 would be the last day she would visit my home. Several day later Naza took ill and was admitted to hospital. She had water in the lungs as a result of a weak heart. several arteries in the heart were around 90% blocked. She spent two weeks in the hospital and after several days at home was admitted for another 4 weeks while her condition slowly increased. She came back home at Bridlewood Circle were her daughter took care of her for several months. On a Saturday afternoon after having a meal and showing no signs of ilness, she had a sudden heart attack and passed away.

The very afternoon Naza passed away, I was suppose to be doing a DNA test on her. The paramedic who was present volunteered to do take the samples for me. They were sent away to the Family Tree DNA company to do a mtDNA. The mt DNA is maternally inherited and is a study of the female genitic line.

Ancient migration patterns can be constructed basded on this.

The test revealed that Naza Hack belongs to the HAPLOGROUP U7. This group originated from the Near East. The Aryan people integrated to the persian people. The Persion Muslims invaded India. !5 percent of India is made up of the U7 group. over the ages these people came from outside of India to inhabit the land.
The female line of Lieza all belong to the U7 group.

Groups U1 to U7, along with K (Katrine) all share a common maternal ancestor.

U7: The mitochondrial super-haplogroup U encompasses haplogroups U1-U7 and haplogroup K. Haplogroup U7 has a Near Eastern origin approximately 30,000 years ago. Within Europe, it occurs at low frequency in the Caucasus. Bryan Sykes in his Seven Daughters of Eve book named this mtDNA haplogroup Ursula.

Geographic distribution of macro-clades M and N in India

We found haplogroup M ubiquitous at almost 58% among the caste, and 72% among the tribal populations (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>), which is largely consistent with previous reports [8,12-21]. Our results indicate that the frequency distribution of haplogroup M varies across different Indian regions by a significant cline towards the south and the east (see Figure </1471-2156/5/26/figure/F4> for Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis (SAA) p < 0.05).

The variation among caste populations climbs from approximately 40% in Gujarat and (Indian-) Punjab to 65% in the southern states, and peaks at over 70% in West Bengal (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>).

We observed a similar geographic pattern among tribal populations, where the frequency varied from just over 50% in the northern states of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, increased to 70%–80% in the southern states, and peaked at 86% in West Bengal (Table 8, see Additional file 3 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S3>).

With the exception of the diverse set of largely Indian-specific R lineages, the most frequent mtDNA haplogroup in India that derives from the phylogenetic node N is haplogroup W [13].

The frequency peak of haplogroup W is 5% in the northwestern states – Gujarat, Punjab and Kashmir. Elsewhere in India its frequency is very low (from 0 to 0.9%) (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>) forming a significant spatial cline (Figure </1471-2156/5/26/figure/F4>).

At 15% among the caste and 8% among the tribal populations haplogroup U is the most frequent sub-clade of R in India (Table 12, see Additional file 7 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S7>). Approximately one half of the U mtDNAs in India belong to the Indian-specific branches of haplogroup U2 (U2i: U2a, U2b and U2c) [13,27] (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>).

They are present throughout India without a clear geographical cline (Figure </1471-2156/5/26/figure/F2>, panel U2i, SAA p > 0.05). However, the spread of another subset of U, haplogroup U7 [13], is similar to that of haplogroup W, peaking at 12% and 9% in Gujarat and Punjab, respectively (Table 11, see Additional file 6 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S6>). The frequency of U7 is also high in neighboring Pakistan (6%) and particularly in Iran (9%) (Table 9, see Additional file 4 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S4>).
</1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>) forming a significant spatial cline (Figure </1471-2156/5/26/figure/F4>).

Approximately one half of the U mtDNAs in India belong to the Indian-specific branches of haplogroup U2 (U2i: U2a, U2b and U2c) [13,27] (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>). They are present throughout India without a clear geographical cline (Figure </1471-2156/5/26/figure/F2>, panel U2i, SAA p > 0.05).

However, the spread of another subset of U, haplogroup U7 [13], is similar to that of haplogroup W, peaking at 12% and 9% in Gujarat and Punjab, respectively (Table 11, see Additional file 6 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S6>). The frequency of U7 is also high in neighboring Pakistan (6%) and particularly in Iran (9%) (Table 9, see Additional file 4 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S4>).
MtDNA haplogroups in Iran

Over 90% of the mtDNAs found in Iran belong to haplogroups HV, TJ, U, N1, N2 and X, commonly found in West Eurasia (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T2>). In contrast to Europe, where H is predominant among the mtDNA haplogroups, in Iran the frequency of haplogroup U (29%) is higher than that of haplogroup H (17%) (Table 9, see Additional file 4 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S4>).

This difference accounts, at least partly for the presence in Iran of U sub-groups, such as U7 (9.4%), that are virtually absent in Europe.
Similarly to HV, TJ, N1, the spread of U7, W and R2 in India is geographically uneven – the three haplogroups are much more frequent in the northwestern states (SAA p < 0.05, Figure </1471-2156/5/26/figure/F4>).

Together, they constitute nearly 14% of the maternal gene pool in Indian Punjab, Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Their frequency is also high in Iran (13%) and Pakistan (10%) but declines in Central Asia (5%).
Many European populations are lacking haplogroup U7 [9], but its frequency climbs over 4% in the Near East and up to 5% in Pakistan, reaching nearly 10% level in Iranians (Table 9, see Additional file 4 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S4>). In India, haplogroup U7 frequency peaks at over 12% in Gujarat, in the westernmost state of India, while for the whole of India its frequency stays around 2%.

Expansion times and haplotype diversities for the Indian and Near and Middle Eastern U7 mtDNAs are strikingly similar (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T4>). The possible homeland of this haplogroup spans likely in Gujarat and Iran because from there its frequency declines steeply both to the east and to the west. If the origin were in Iran rather than in India, then its equally high frequency as well as diversity in Gujarat favors a scenario whereby U7 has been introduced to the coastal western India either very early, or by multiple founders.

Notably, the overlap of the Indian and Iranian lineages is largely restricted to the ancestral nodes while the coalescence age estimates for the nearly exclusively Indian (16207-16309-16318T) and West Eurasian (16126-16309-16318T) founder HVS-I motifs both yield time depths of about 20,000 to 30,000 ybp.

To summarize, the West and South Asian phylogeography of haplogroups W, U7 and R2 can be viewed as a genetic continuum that spans from the Near East into India, extending north into Central Asia. The coalescence times of these haplogroups suggest that this continuum took shape somewhere between 30,000 to 50,000 ybp (Table </1471-2156/5/26/table/T4>), thus falling within the climatically favorable interglacial period. We notice that the extant U7 and W frequencies along the proposed continuum are not uniform. U7 is more predominant in Iran, Pakistan, northwestern India and the Arabian peninsula, while W is more frequent in the western Near-East, Anatolia and the Caucasus.

The coalescence ages of the Indian- and Iranian-specific U7 clades suggest that the time-window of this continuum was closed by ca. 20,000 ybp. The inferred extreme aridity of eastern Iran and western India during the last glacial maximum, which is well documented in paleovegetation reconstructions [42] may explain the observed segregation.

It has been suggested that the Jews settled in southwest India on the coast of the Arabian Sea sometime during the early Middle Ages. However, the mtDNA pool of the extant Cochin Jews is overwhelmingly Indian-specific (Table 10, see Additional file 5 </1471-2156/5/26/suppl/S5>). We found exact or close matches to the fourteen HVS-I haplotypes observed among the Cochin Jews in other Indian populations. It is not clear whether the Near Eastern mtDNA lineages have been lost or the initial Jewish settlers did not include women.
One of Denmark's earliest Christian cemeteries is Kongemarken, dating to around AD 1000-1250...A surprising amount of haplogroup diversity was observed (Area 1: 1 U7 (male), 1 H, 1 I, 1 J, and 1 T2; Area 2: 2 H, 1 I, and 1 T, with one H being male); even the three subjects of haplogroup H were of different subtypes.

This indicates that no subjects within each area were maternally related. The observed haplogroup, U7, while common in India and in western Siberian tribes, was not previously observed among present-day ethnic Scandinavians, and haplogroup I is rare (2%) in Scandinavia. These observations suggest that the individuals living in the Roskilde region 1,000 years ago were not all members of a tightly knit local population and comprised individuals with genetic links with populations that were from much farther away.

This was a harbor town, so patrilocality and "foreign women" might have been rather exaggerated, but it underscores that it is plausible that men who returned from viking and trading might have brought more than goods.
Percentage of U& in population
Armenians-3.7% , Georgians-2.3%, Ossetes- 25% , Turks -6.5%, Nile valley- 8.3%, Indians -12%
The Ossetes
The Ossetes mainly inhabit
both sides of the central Caucasian
mountain chain. To the
north is the North Ossetic
Autonomous Republic (capital
Vladikavkaz), belonging to
the Russian Federation. On the
southern side of the Caucasus
lies the South Ossetic Autonomous
Region (capital
Tskhinvali), which is part of
the Georgian Republic.
The Ossetes do not belong to
the autochtonous peoples of
the Caucasus, but are the only
descendants of the medieval
Population: 598,000
(Soviet census 1989)
Today approx. 653,000
Language: Ossetic
Language family: Iranian
Region: Northern Caucasus
Religion: Muslim;
Orthodox Christian
Evangelicals: 3-4,000
Scriptures: Four Gospels (1923)
NT translated in the 1920s (1993).
Gospel of Mark (1993)
Children's Bible (1993)

Alans, themselves descended from the Scytho-Sarmatian tribes who in antiquity lived in the vast
steppes of southern Russia. Their language belongs to the Iranian language family. Modern Ossetic
has two distinct major dialects: Digor, spoken in the western part of North Ossetia, and Iron,
spoken in the entire remaining Ossetic area.
Dairy farming and cattle breeding are among the most developed economic activities. Modern
North Ossetia is a centre of metallurgy. Other important parts of the Ossetic economy are hydroelectric
and forest industries.

In the course of history, the Ossetes must have been converted to Christianity twice. Their ancestors,
the Alans, came into contact with Christianity in the 4th-5th centuries. A second phase
of Christianization started in the 18th century under Russian influence. Islam was introduced
toward the end of the 17th century by Kabardian mediation. Today there are several strong Evangelical
churches in North Ossetia.

In 1993, IBT published the Four Gospels, translated in 1923, together with a translation of Acts-
Revelation made by the famous Ossete Gappo Baiew in the 1920s. However, a translation of the
NT into modern Ossetic was needed - printing is planned in 2004.
we did not find U7 among French,
Russian, Polish, Czech, Croatian,
Cretan, and Estonian populations
(N ~1400), and we could infer only
a single U7 from the data published
by others on German, Swiss, Austrian,
Iberian, British, Finnish,
Karelian and Saami HVR-I sequences
(N ~ 2300). Interestingly
enough, like O*- l6,067, U7 seems
to be present in Sardinians (Di
Rienzo & Wilson 1991; identification

Hasno married Abdool HACK , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 61 M    i. Yusuf HACK .

+ 62 F    ii. Kyryul HACK .

17. Juman YASSIN (Maxudan3, Najew1).

Juman married Habiban Jumrattan (Born August 21st. 1908)____________ , daughter of Unknown and Unknown .

Children from this marriage were:

+ 63 F    i. Bibi Saheidan YASSIN was born in Feb 1925 in Meten-meer-zorg and died somewhere in Trinidad.

+ 64 F    ii. Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN was born on 16 Sep 1930 and died in May 1981.

+ 65 M    iii. Samad Azeez YASSIN was born in May 1927 in Meten-meer-zorg and died Aug 10th. 2008 in Toronto

+ 66 F    iv. Bibi Saheiman YASSIN was born in Mar 1937 at 47 railway st., Kitty and died Jan 9th. 2014 in Toronto

Juman next married Laljee ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 67 M    i. Khalam Azad YASSIN was born in March 1947.

+ 68 M    ii. Nizam YASSIN was born January 1950 and died on June 5th 2024 in Guyana.

+ 69 M    iii. Abdul Jinnah YASSIN died at six years old.

18. Nasiban(Aunty Rabbie) Sybil __________ (Maxudan3, Najew1) was born on 26 Mar 1926 and died in 1990.

General Notes: She lived in Leonora, across from the hospital on the main road.she was always fat and smiled alot. We visited and spend time in the summer months there It was great fun and freedom to roam around the country side.

Nasiban(Aunty married (August 1942) Azeez BACCHUS , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 70 F    i. Leonie BACCHUS was born in Aug 18th. 1943. Died August 16th. 2015 in Guyana. She was Buried on her birthday in Guyana

Nasiban(Aunty next married George Walter ROBINSON , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. George was born on 12 Jan in Nikeri, Surinam and died in 1986 in Leonora.

19. Abdul Sattar (Buddy) __________ (Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Grew up in Mettermerzorg. Drank a lot but gave it up in later years. He became very religious and attended the Mosque in Metermerzorg, were he became the Mouszan(caretaker)

Abdul married Banasi Dolly ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Died at home from sickness.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 71 F    i. Cheryl __________ .

+ 72 M    ii. Dennis __________ .

+ 73 F    iii. Lekha __________ .

+ 74 M    iv. Nevil __________ .

Abdul next married Khairool ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 75 M    i. Unknown(Son) __________ .

+ 76 M    ii. Unknown(Son) __________ .

+ 77 F    iii. Fazie SATTAR .

20. Yacoub __________ (Lattefan4, Najew1).

21. Cassim __________ (Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: Has a wife and 2 or 3 kids. Lived in Uivlught

Cassim married Aunty Rosy ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

22. Haliman __________ (Lattefan4, Najew1).

Haliman married Jumeel(Charlie) BACCHUS , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Jumeel(Charlie) BACCHUS died on 20 Apr 1982.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 78 M    i. Agiman __________ .

+ 79 F    ii. Amina __________ .

+ 80 M    iii. Bacbac __________ .

+ 81 M    iv. Bubon __________ .

23. Basiran __________ (Lattefan4, Najew1) died in Oct 2003 in Meten meer zorg,and was buried in zeeburg Cemetry.

General Notes: Had one child. Died at 92 years of age.

Basiran married Mansoor ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 82 F    i. Ameeran ALI died on 24 Aug 2005 in Meten meer zorg.

24. Lulu (Asiran) __________ (Lattefan4, Najew1) died 7th july,2004 in Meten meer zorg-buried at zeeburg cemetry.

General Notes: Died in 2005. she lives in metamerzorg. Have two girls.

Lulu married Bacanna ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

25. Abraheem Buddy __________ (Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: He is the last one of Laztte's children thatis alive. He lives at 127 dewiliam. he is about 85 years old and is not in the best of health.

Abraheem married Rani SUBRATTAN , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: She was born and grew up in Good Hope, E.B.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 83 M    i. Hanif NEEZAMUDIN .

+ 84 M    ii. Mohammed Yusuf ABRAHIM .

26. Meriam(Roni) ALI (Massoran5, Najew1) was born in 1925 in , Guyana and died in 1997 in TORONTO.

General Notes: She had diabetes. she was abour 5 feet 3 inches and big build. she was a very funny and jokey person and always had a smily on her face. she once lived in Agricola village.

Meriam(Roni) married Musraf ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: First husband was aunty Sibi's husband brother

The child from this marriage was:

+ 85 M    i. Unknown __________ .

Meriam(Roni) next married Ahmad Kamal McDoom ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Ahmad was born in McDoom village and died in 1974 in Guyana.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 86 F    i. Waleema McDOOM .

+ 87 M    ii. Zamirudeen McDOOM died in 1999 in Guyana.

+ 88 M    iii. Yamad McDOOM .

+ 89 F    iv. Yasmin McDOOM .

27. Nesha __________ (Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: Did not have children

Nesha married ____________ BACCHUS , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He was from Beeve.

28. Ali __________ (Massoran5, Najew1).

29. Ayube ALI (Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: Did not have kids

30. Roman Roy SATTAR (Jaitoon(Hannah)6, Najew1).

31. Samad SATTAR (Jaitoon(Hannah)6, Najew1).

32. Nazir Noel SATTAR (Jaitoon(Hannah)6, Najew1).

33. Camil SATTAR (Jaitoon(Hannah)6, Najew1).

34. Inshan SATTAR (Jaitoon(Hannah)6, Najew1).

35. Badora (Aunty Bado) SATTAR (Jaitoon(Hannah)6, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Georgetown,Guyana

36. Unknown(girl) __________ (Hassan7, Najew1).

37. Unknown(girl) __________ (Hassan7, Najew1).

38. Yusuf __________ (Hassan7, Najew1) died.

39. Hosna __________ (Manna8, Najew1).

40. Baba __________ (Manna8, Najew1).

General Notes: Never married.

41. Gullaboy __________ (Manna8, Najew1).

General Notes: He was a butcher. Lives in Kitchner

Gullaboy married Lattie ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: lives in kitchner

Children from this marriage were:

+ 90 M    i. Farouk __________ .

+ 91 M    ii. Zarook __________ .

+ 92 M    iii. Sayeed __________ .

+ 93 F    iv. Ackleema __________ .

42. Shakeer __________ (Manna8, Najew1).

General Notes: He is a priest

Shakeer married Unknown ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 94 M    i. Martin __________ .

+ 95 F    ii. Elizabeth __________ .

+ 96 F    iii. Martha __________ .

+ 97 F    iv. Mary __________ .

43. Khairool __________ (Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1905.

Khairool married Khudrat SHAH , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________

General Notes: Khudrat was originally from India

Children from this marriage were:

+ 98 M    i. Muhammed Ali SHAH . (aka Kaizer from Leguan)

+ 99 M    ii. Jaffar Ali SHAW was born 6th,july, 1923 in Endeavour, Leguan and died in 1974 in Amsterdam, Leguan.

+ 100 M    iii. Hakim SHAH died in Mar 1994 in Fort Lauderdale, and was buried in Leguan.

+ 101 F    iv. Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH .

+ 102 F    v. Khairool Isha SHAH . (born Dec 1931 and died in England on Dec 11th. 2022)

+ 103 F    vi. Meriam Nesha SHAH . (aka Mothers)

44. Azeez KHAN (Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Was a tailor. Married in Uitvlugh.

Azeez married Unknown ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 104 F    i. Iris Amina KHAN was born Aug 1930's.

+ 105 F    ii. Sahidan(Baby) __________ .

+ 106 M    iii. Amin KHAN .

+ 107 M    iv. Ishmeal KHAN died at 3 months.

+ 108 M    v. Ahmad KHAN .

+ 109 M    vi. Nizam KHAN .

+ 110 F    vii. Halima(Baba) KHAN .

+ 111 F    viii. Amna KHAN .

+ 112 M    ix. Rasheed KHAN .

+ 113 M    x. Rafeek KHAN .

+ 114 F    xi. Safora(Jean) KHAN was born in 1950 in StanleyTown, West Coast.

+ 115 M    xii. Wazie KHAN was born in 1953.

45. Bulla __________ (Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Was a butcher at Grove, he lived in Eccles. Did not have any children. Aunty moon's son and daughter lived with him and when he died Moon's son took over the butcher shop.

Bulla married Lilian ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

46. Moon __________ (Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Aunty Moon first husband was Rasool(she left him for her second husband)and he became Aunty Shorty second husband(her first husband died) he also brought his three kids to live with her and she took care of them

Moon married Rasool(first husband) ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 116 M    i. Shazaman __________ .

+ 117 M    ii. Jabbar RASOOL .

+ 118 M    iii. Jacko __________ .

+ 119 M    iv. Razak __________ .

Moon next married Elahi(second husband aka Kusru) BAKSH , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 120 M    i. Bigboy BAKSH .

+ 121 F    ii. Meena BAKSH .

+ 122 M    iii. Farouk BAKSH .

+ 123 M    iv. Windsor BAKSH .

47. Safe __________ (Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) died date unknown, and was buried on an unknown date.

General Notes: Married girl fromUitvlugh and lived with wife family. Have two sonst .He was several weeks old when his mother died. Father(Dinea) never remarried.

48. Abrahim SINGH (Jainub(Jine)11, Najew1).

49. Doc SINGH (Jainub(Jine)11, Najew1).

50. Baba SINGH (Jainub(Jine)11, Najew1).

51. Betty SINGH (Jainub(Jine)11, Najew1).

52. Baby SINGH (Jainub(Jine)11, Najew1).

53. Sherazade Baby __________ (Fatima12, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Queens, New York

Sherazade married Hydar ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Hydar ALI died on 18 Jun 1971.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 124 F    i. Molly ALI .

+ 125 F    ii. Unknown __________ was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

+ 126 M    iii. Naushad ALI .

+ 127 M    iv. Asgar ALI .

+ 128 M    v. Zulfikar ALI .

+ 129 M    vi. Farouk ALI .

+ 130 F    vii. Fawzia ALI .

54. Shaimune __________ (Fatima12, Najew1) died in 1998 in TORONTO.

General Notes: Lived in Toronto, Canada

Shaimune married Zaman MOHAMED , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Zaman was born in Aug 1965.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 131 F    i. Nazleene MOHAMED .

+ 132 M    ii. Abdul MOHAMED was born in Mar 1961.

55. Farida __________ (Fatima12, Najew1) died in 1970 in Georgetown.

Farida married Akbar ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Akbar is the brother of Hydar Ali who married sherazade(two brothers married two sisters.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 133 F    i. Bibi Waheeda ALI was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

+ 134 M    ii. Hazrat ALI was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

+ 135 M    iii. Imran ALI was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

56. Saleema SATTAUR (Fatima12, Najew1).

General Notes: She was the last of the children from the first generation of this Dynasty. As of April 2005, lives in Toronto.

Saleema married Shamsoolah KHAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 136 M    i. Mohamed Iqbal KHAN was born 1960's in Georgetown, Guyana.

+ 137 M    ii. Mohammed Hafeez KHAN .

+ 138 M    iii. Azeem KHAN .

Fourth Generation

57. Prince __________ (Sarah13, Sookia2, Najew1).

58. Shakoor(Sakor) __________ (Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Grew up and Married in Canal #2

Shakoor(Sakor) married Abeeda ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Grew up in Windsorforest.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 139 M    i. Mansoor __________ .

+ 140 M    ii. Shalim __________ .

+ 141 M    iii. Wahab __________ .

+ 142 F    iv. Zalina __________ .

+ 143 M    v. Shahab __________ .

59. Amin __________ (Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Canal #1. Amin and his brother married two sisters.

Amin married Golin ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 144 M    i. Majeed(Buddy Boy) __________ died at age 45.

+ 145 F    ii. Babylyn __________ .

+ 146 F    iii. Bibi Khartoon __________ .

+ 147 F    iv. Amina __________ .

+ 148 F    v. Halima __________ .

60. Juma __________ (Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Juma married Kaneeza ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 149 F    i. Shamshoon(Dolly) __________ was born in 1961.

+ 150 M    ii. Fazil __________ was born in Nov 1960.

+ 151 F    iii. Shymoon KHUDRAT was born in 1963 in Windsorforest.

+ 152 M    iv. Rahaman(Papo) __________ .

+ 153 F    v. Farida __________ was born in Jan 1968.

61. Yusuf HACK (Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Etobicoke,, Canada

Yusuf married Kodratoll Nisha(Litta) KHAN , daughter of Ahmad(Charlie) KHAN and Basirran BAKSH . Kodratoll was born on 28 May 1936 in Wakernam.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 154 M    i. Yusuf Jr. HACK .

+ 155 M    ii. Fizul HACK .

+ 156 M    iii. Farouk HACK .

+ 157 M    iv. Zinul HACK .

+ 158 M    v. Hanif HACK .

+ 159 F    vi. Yasmin HACK was born in 1962 in Georgetown.

+ 160 F    vii. Nafeeza HACK .

+ 161 M    viii. Azeez HACK .

+ 162 M    ix. Aazam HACK .

+ 163 M    x. Safraz HACK .

62. Kyryul HACK (Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: She had to leave school at an early age after her father died to help in the retail store. Lives in Agincourt, scarborough.

Kyryul married Mohammed Abdoul Kamaladin Eddie HAMID , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He was very involved with the PPP and was hit in the face with a rock at a public meeting while campaigning with Janet Jagan during elections. He went to England from 1956 to 1958 where he learned the Fibre glass plactic business. He was a pioneered of this business in the West Indies, building the first fibre glass car and Boat(this boat was later owned by Forbes Burnham). His factory was located in Kitty and Land of Cannan and he made a variety of plastic products-Chairs,sinks, bus tops,dragline canopies,boats, car parts etc

Children from this marriage were:

+ 164 M    i. Kemal HAMID .

+ 165 F    ii. Fazia HAMID .

+ 166 M    iii. Jemal HAMID .

+ 167 M    iv. Ryhad HAMID was born in Dec 1953.

+ 168 M    v. Rafeek HAMID .

63. Bibi Sahedan YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Feb 1925 in Meten-meer-zorg and died somewhere in Trinidad.

Bibi married August 1942) Inshan ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 169 F    i. Khamrool ALI was born in May 8th. 1944 and died June 30th 2019 in New York after a long illness.

+ 170 F    ii. Nesha Zorha ALI was born May 19th. 1949

+ 171 F    iii. Zulaika ALI was born in Nov 2nd. 1952.

+ 172 M    iv. Mustak ALI was born in July 1951.

64. Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born on 16 Sep 1930 and died in May 1981.

General Notes: She died suddenly after coming home from the market and having a cold pop to drink-It may have been a heart attack.

Bibi married Abdool HAMID , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 173 F    i. Amena HAMID .

+ 174 M    ii. Fizul HAMID .

+ 175 M    iii. Fazil(Bobby) HAMID .

+ 176 M    iv. Nazil HAMID .

+ 177 F    v. Fazela HAMID was born in April 1955 in Wismar, Guyana.

+ 178 M    vi. Shamil HAMID was born on May 10th. 1959 -Died on October 10th. 2021.

+ 179 F    vii. Mozamil HAMID .

65. Samad Azeez YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in May 1927 in Meten-meer-zorg.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto,Canada.Was one of the very first of the family to migrate to Toronto. Samad died on August 10th. 2008 from cancer. He was buried at Pineridge Cemetery Lot 2010 Space C2

66. Bibi Saheiman YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Mar 1937 in 47 railway st., Kitty.She was a police with the Guyana Police Force (W72), and was one of the earliest Indian woman to join the Police Force in 1959. She died on January 9th. 2014 in Toronto and was buried at Pineridge Cemetery. Garden of Paradise Lot 0004802 Space D1

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada.

Saheiman married Omar KHAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 180 M    i. Amral Omar KHAN . (Born May 24th 1962)

67. Khalam Azad YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1947.

General Notes: Lives in Georgetown, Guyana.He is a lawyer and use to be a Magistrate.

Khalam married Khalida ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Lives in Scarborough, canada.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 181 M    i. Khalid YASSIN .

+ 182 M    ii. Arif YASSIN .

+ 183 M    iii. Saud YASSIN .

+ 184 M    iv. Foad YASSIN .

+ 185 F    v. Sarah YASSIN .

Khalam next married Bernadette ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

68. Nizam YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Georgetown, Guyana.

Nizam married Pixie PERSAUD , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Lives in Miami, florida

Children from this marriage were:

+ 186 F    i. Tara YASSIN .

+ 187 M    ii. Tariq YASSIN .

69. Abdul Jinnah YASSIN (Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) died at six years old.

General Notes: Died from Cancer of the nose.

70. Leonie BACCHUS (Nasiban(Aunty Rabbie) Subil18, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Aug 18th. 1943.

General Notes: Lives in Georgetown, Guyana. Leonie died August 16th. 2015 in Guyana. Buried on August 18th. in Guyana

Leonie married Daniel Janki ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Daniel Janki ____________ died.

General Notes: He was a very good husband and died of a heart attack at home.

Leonie next married Yusuf ALI , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 188 M    i. Sudan ALI .

71. Cheryl __________ (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

Cheryl married Zamo ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Zamo ____________ died in May 2004.

General Notes: Livedin Sabrianville

72. Dennis __________ (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

73. Lekha __________ (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

74. Nevil __________ (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

75. Unknown(Son) __________ (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

76. Unknown(Son) __________ (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

77. Fazie SATTAR (Abdul sattar (Buddy)19, Maxudan3, Najew1).

78. Agiman __________ (Haliman22, Lattefan4, Najew1).

79. Amina __________ (Haliman22, Lattefan4, Najew1).

80. Bacbac __________ (Haliman22, Lattefan4, Najew1).

81. Bubon __________ (Haliman22, Lattefan4, Najew1).

82. Ameeran ALI (Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) died on 24 Aug 2005 in Meten meer zorg.

Ameeran married Mohed Salim OUDDEEN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 189 M    i. Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED .

+ 190 M    ii. Hanif MOHAMMED .

+ 191 M    iii. Shahabadeen MOHAMMED .

83. Hanif NEEZAMUDIN (Abraheem Buddy25, Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: His last name is not the same as his father or brother. He lives in the west end of Toronto.

Hanif married Bibi HANIF , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

84. Mohammed Yusuf ABRAHIM (Abraheem Buddy25, Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: His last name is different than his father or brother

Mohammed married Shai ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

85. Unknown __________ (Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: Aunty Roni had one child from this first marriage and he died at around one year olf. Her husband also died several years later and she remarried.

86. Waleema McDOOM (Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in west end of Toronto,Canada.

Waleema married Faysal ABDUL'HAQQ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 192 M    i. Omar ABDUL'HAQQ .

+ 193 M    ii. Khalid ABDUL'HAQQ .

+ 194 F    iii. Saffiyah ABDUL'HAQQ .

+ 195 M    iv. Ahmad ABDUL'HAQQ .

+ 196 M    v. Kamal ABDUL'HAQQ .

87. Zamirudeen McDOOM (Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1) died in 1999 in Guyana.

Zamirudeen married Rani ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Roni was born and grew up in Land of Cannan. Her family had a dry goods shop in the front of Guyana Plastic and marine works factory (Eddie Hamid) and her father was a fair skin brown hair man. She also has a younger sister who resembles her father.The resaecher of this family tree and his immediate family knew her and her family very well.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 197 F    i. Rakeda McDOOM .

+ 198 M    ii. Unknown McDOOM .

88. Yamad McDOOM (Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: He died around 7 years old of a high fever.

89. Yasmin McDOOM (Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

Yasmin married Tariq KHAWAJA , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 199 F    i. Shazeeda KHAWAJA .

90. Farouk __________ (Gullaboy41, Manna8, Najew1).

General Notes: Has a T.V program in New York

91. Zarook __________ (Gullaboy41, Manna8, Najew1).

92. Sayeed __________ (Gullaboy41, Manna8, Najew1).

93. Ackleema __________ (Gullaboy41, Manna8, Najew1).

94. Martin __________ (Shakeer42, Manna8, Najew1).

95. Elizabeth __________ (Shakeer42, Manna8, Najew1).

96. Martha __________ (Shakeer42, Manna8, Najew1).

97. Mary __________ (Shakeer42, Manna8, Najew1).

98. Mohammed Ali SHAH (Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Mohammed married Shira ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 200 F    i. Shireen SHAH .

+ 201 M    ii. Ahmad SHAH .

+ 202 M    iii. Imran SHAH . (aka Joe, Died Feb 27th 2021)

+ 203 M    iv. Safdar SHAH .

+ 204 M    v. Amjad SHAH .

+ 205 M    vi. Zaman SHAH .

+ 206 F    vii. Zorida SHAH .

+ 207 M    viii. Bobby (Farena) SHAH .

99. Jaffar Ali SHAW (Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born 6th,july, 1923 in Endeavour, Leguan and died in 1974 in Amsterdam, Leguan.

General Notes: He was born and grew up in Endeavour, Leguan. He lived in Amsterdam after he was married and died there in 1974, possibly of a heart attack.

Jaffar married Shamsun Nahar ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: As of March 2005, she lives in Toronto

Children from this marriage were:

+ 208 M    i. Zaman SHAH was born 1950's.

+ 209 F    ii. Lielun Nahar SHAW .

+ 210 M    iii. Jamal SHAW .

+ 211 M    iv. Kamal SHAW .

+ 212 F    v. Noorun Nahar SHAW .

+ 213 F    vi. Shamelun Nahar SHAW .

+ 214 M    vii. Jameel SHAW was born in 1959 and died in 1976.

+ 215 M    viii. Cameel SHAW was born in 1964.

+ 216 M    ix. Omar SHAW .

+ 217 F    x. Shimoon Nahar SHAW .

+ 218 F    xi. Rakioon Nahar SHAW .

100. Hatim SHAH (Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) died in Mar 1994 in Fort Lauderdale, and was buried in Leaguan.

General Notes: He died at the age of 68 of a heart attack

Hatim married Edan (Satool) KHAN , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Her father came with his parents from Hyderbad India when he was eighteen years old. He was a teacher in India. he was well read and brought lots of books. She was born and grew up in Uitvlught.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 219 M    i. Safdar Ali (Buddy) SHAH died in 2000 in New York City, and was buried in New York City.

+ 220 M    ii. Asgar Ali SHAH .

+ 221 M    iii. Raymond SHAH .

+ 222 F    iv. Sharee Ali SHAH .

Hatim next married Evon ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Hatim's second wife has ten children (two died) eight
still living in Skeldon Berbice

Children from this marriage were:

+ 223 M    i. Colin Ali SHAH .

+ 224 M    ii. Zaman Ali SHAH .

+ 225 F    iii. Kairool Ali SHAH .

+ 226 F    iv. Amina Ali SHAH .

+ 227 F    v. Akleema Ali SHAH .

+ 228 F    vi. Rehanna Ali SHAH .

101. Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH (Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Born and grew up in Legwan, Endeavour, Lot 8.

Nazmoon married Amin GAFOOR , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Grew up in Jealously. Was hospitalized for two and a half years after a car accident, before he died.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 229 M    i. Rahaman GAFOOR .

+ 230 F    ii. Zarena GAFOOR .

+ 231 F    iii. Mariam GAFOOR .

+ 232 M    iv. Rostom GAFOOR .

Nazmoon next married Gul MOHAMAD , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 233 M    i. Mohammad Samsodeen KHAN .

+ 234 M    ii. Mohammed Nordeen KHAN .

+ 235 M    iii. Mohammed Bashodeen KHAN .

+ 236 F    iv. Zena MOHAMAD .

102. Khairool Isha SHAH (Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in London , England (she died in England on Dec 11th. 2022)

Khaipool married Naz Habib KHAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Lives in London, England. (He died in England )

Children from this marriage were:

+ 237 M    i. Rasheed KHAN . (He died on Feb 2nd 2021 in England )

+ 238 F    ii. Rehanna KHAN was born in Guyana and died in London, England.

103. Meriam Nesha mother SHAH (Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lived in leguan. after she got married she lived inTtushin, West Coast.

Meriam married Abdool AZEEZ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 239 F    i. Nariman AZEEZ .

+ 240 F    ii. Fariena AZEEZ .

+ 241 F    iii. Salee AZEEZ .

+ 242 M    iv. Fizul AZEEZ .

+ 243 F    v. Mobiena AZEEZ .

104. Iris Amina KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born Aug 1930's.

General Notes: As of February 2005, lives in New York.

Iris married Unknown MANGRA , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 244 M    i. Basil MANGRA .

+ 245 F    ii. Enid MANGRA .

+ 246 F    iii. Yevone(Vannie) MANGRA .

+ 247 M    iv. Micheal(Buggie) MANGRA .

105. Sahidan(Baby) __________ (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Georgetown with her son, Bobby.

Sahidan(Baby) married Jut RAMROOP , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 248 F    i. Jayadevi(Jenny) RAMROOP .

+ 249 M    ii. Subhas RAMROOP .

+ 250 M    iii. Safe RAMROOP .

+ 251 M    iv. Scotty RAMROOP .

+ 252 M    v. Krishna(whitey) RAMROOP .

+ 253 M    vi. Dillip RAMROOP .

+ 254 F    vii. Kamini(Jackie) RAMROOP .

+ 255 M    viii. Jaharwarlall RAMROOP died at 24 years in Guyana. Shot at Pagwa festival.

+ 256 M    ix. Ringsing(Bobby) RAMROOP .

106. Amin KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Florida.Use to be with Singer company in G/T.

Amin married Rasheedan ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Amin's first wife. Had 5 boys and 1 girl.

Amin next married Kumari ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Amin's second wife

107. Ishmeal KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) died at 3 months.

108. Ahmad KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Ahmad married Norafaga(Nora) ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 257 F    i. Salina KHAN .

+ 258 M    ii. Mamodeen(Deen) KHAN .

+ 259 F    iii. Halima(Holly) KHAN .

109. Nizam KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Nizam married Asmeena ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 260 F    i. Fazina KHAN .

+ 261 M    ii. Nazim KHAN .

+ 262 M    iii. Asif KHAN .

+ 263 M    iv. Wazim KHAN .

110. Halima(Baba) KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Halima(Baba) married Moses HUSSEIN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He lived in grove and was a very friendly person. He died in New York.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 264 F    i. Bibi Wazifa HUSSEIN .

+ 265 F    ii. Marzena HUSSEIN .

111. Amna KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Amna married Shaheed Mohameed ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 266 F    i. Fazia MOHAMEED .

+ 267 F    ii. Fameeda __________ .

112. Rasheed KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Rasheed married Fran ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 268 F    i. Monica KHAN .

113. Rafeek KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Rafeek married Athene ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Athene was born in Philiphines.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 269 M    i. Rodrigue KHAN .

+ 270 M    ii. Reginal KHAN .

114. Safora(Jean) KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1950 in StanleyTown, West Coast.

General Notes: Lives in Scarborough,Canada with her family.

Safora(Jean) married Ayube MOHAMMED , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Ayube was born in Grove.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 271 F    i. Rehanna MOHAMMED was born in 1972.

+ 272 F    ii. Susan MOHAMMED was born in 1976.

+ 273 F    iii. Alysia MOHAMMED was born in 1985.

115. Wazie KHAN (Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1953.

General Notes: Lives somewhere in Chicago. Has three girls with wife Joset, a black girl from Chicago.

Wazie married Josett ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Have 3 girls

116. Shazaman __________ (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Had around 19 children other than those listed here .

Shazaman married Rafikhan ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 274 F    i. Bibi Sharifan __________ .

+ 275 M    ii. Abdoul AZEEZ .

+ 276 F    iii. Bibi Shaimoon __________ .

+ 277 F    iv. Bibi Haneefa(Golin) __________ .

+ 278 M    v. Abdool Azad __________ .

117. Jabbar RASOOL (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Has a wife and 6 or seven children.

Jabbar married Zulaika ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 279 M    i. Azeem KARIM .

+ 280 F    ii. Shireen KARIM .

+ 281 M    iii. Raymond RASOOL .

+ 282 M    iv. Shamir RASOOL .

+ 283 M    v. Shahaad RASOOL .

+ 284 M    vi. Shafeek RASOOL .

+ 285 F    vii. Shanaaz RASOOL .

+ 286 F    viii. Fazeena RASOOL .

118. Jacko __________ (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Jacko married Zorena ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 287 F    i. Yasmin __________ .

+ 288 F    ii. Sharmin __________ .

+ 289 M    iii. Azad __________ .

119. Razak __________ (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Razak married Evon ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 290 F    i. Bibi Shanaz __________ .

+ 291 M    ii. Anaz __________ .

+ 292 F    iii. Sharida __________ .

120. Bigboy BAKSH (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Eccles and run a butcher shop in Grove.

Bigboy married Zamarwe ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 293 F    i. Shareen BAKSH .

+ 294 M    ii. Fizul BAKSH .

121. Meena BAKSH (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Meena married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 295 M    i. Portia __________ .

+ 296 M    ii. Edris __________ .

+ 297 M    iii. Roy __________ .

122. Farouk BAKSH (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Farouk married Janet ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 298 M    i. Neezo boy BAKSH .

+ 299 F    ii. Sherry BAKSH .

Farouk next married Naz ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

123. Windsor BAKSH (Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Windsor married Fatima NAZIR , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 300 F    i. Aliah BAKSH .

+ 301 M    ii. Saeed BAKSH was born in 1982 and died in 1999.

+ 302 M    iii. Tariq BAKSH .

124. Molly ALI (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Queens, New York

Molly married Mohamed(Bill) HAMID , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Mohamed(Bill) was born in Maida, Courenteen.

125. Unknown __________ (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

126. Naushad ALI (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1).

Naushad married Nazneen ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

127. Asgar ALI (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1).

Asgar married Rahoni(Shiela) ALI , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 303 M    i. Benjamin ALI was born in 1996.

128. Zulfikar ALI (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1).

Zulfikar married Regina BIONDO , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Italian Heritage

The child from this marriage was:

+ 304 M    i. Alexander ALI was born in 1993.

129. Farouk ALI (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1).

Farouk married Mezan ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 305 M    i. Nasseer(Bobby) ALI was born in 1982.

+ 306 M    ii. Anis ALI was born in 1984.

130. Fawzia ALI (Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1).

Fawzia married Dr. Shukla(from India) ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Dr. Shukla(from India) ____________ died on 4 Jul 1990.

Fawzia next married Omar ALGHUNIMAT , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Omar was born in Jordon, Middle East.

131. Nazleene MOHAMED (Shaimune54, Fatima12, Najew1).

Nazleene married Sankumar RAMDIHAL , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 307 M    i. John Benjamin Mohamed RAMDIHAL was born in Jul 1987.

132. Abdul MOHAMED (Shaimune54, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in Mar 1961.

Abdul married Unknown ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 308 F    i. Tiffany Eliza MOHAMED was born in Apr 1988.

133. Bibi Waheeda ALI (Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

General Notes: Lives in Queens, New York

Bibi married Piotr(Polish) BULLERT , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Piotr(Polish) was born in Poznan, Poland.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 309 F    i. Fareeda Renata Kateri Ali BULLERT was born in Apr 1990 in New York City.

134. Hazrat ALI (Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

Hazrat married Sabrina Chimatoby (from Payne Berbice) ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Sabrina was born in Payne, Berbice.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 310 F    i. Nicole ALI was born in 1992 in New York City.

+ 311 M    ii. Justin ALI was born in 1995 in New York City.

135. Imran ALI (Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 38 Station st., Kitty.

Imran married Pamela DEOPERSAUD , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Pamela was born in Berbice.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 312 F    i. Alisha ALI was born in 1988 in New York City.

+ 313 M    ii. Aaron ALI was born in 1993 in New York City.

136. Mohamed Iqbal KHAN (Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1) was born 1960's in Georgetown, Guyana.

Mohamed married Sherda ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 314 M    i. Faris KHAN .

137. Mohammed Hafeez KHAN (Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

General Notes: As of April 2005 lives in Station st. Kitty.

Mohammed married Nazeema ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 315 F    i. Rabina KHAN .

+ 316 F    ii. Shabana KHAN .

+ 317 M    iii. Aftab Mohamed KHAN .

138. Azeem KHAN (Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

Azeem married Zabeda ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 318 M    i. Razwan KHAN .

+ 319 F    ii. Sabihah KHAN .

Fifth Generation

139. Mansoor __________ (Shakoor(Sakor)58, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

140. Shalim __________ (Shakoor(Sakor)58, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Shalim married Zabeeda ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 320 M    i. Wahab __________ .

141. Wahab __________ (Shakoor(Sakor)58, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Queens

142. Zalina __________ (Shakoor(Sakor)58, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Zalina married Mata ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

143. Shahab __________ (Shakoor(Sakor)58, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Married a hindu girl

144. Majeed(Buddy Boy) __________ (Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) died at age 45.

Majeed(Buddy married Doreen ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 321 F    i. Nafeeza __________ .

+ 322 F    ii. Shafeeza __________ .

145. Babylyn __________ (Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Babylyn married Smally ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: A hindu

Children from this marriage were:

+ 323 F    i. Videa __________ .

+ 324 M    ii. Baboo __________ .

+ 325 M    iii. Tut __________ .

+ 326 M    iv. Vijai __________ .

146. Bibi Khartoon __________ (Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Bibi married Maga ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 327 F    i. Rafeena __________ .

147. Amina __________ (Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto

Amina married Shaw ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 328 M    i. Salim __________ .

+ 329 M    ii. Alim __________ .

+ 330 F    iii. Dian __________ .

148. Halima __________ (Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Halima married Shiraz ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 331 M    i. Ryad __________ .

+ 332 F    ii. Shabeena __________ .

+ 333 M    iii. Rahim(bayta)(Beta Beta) __________ .

149. Shamshoon(Dolly) __________ (Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) was born in 1961.

General Notes: Livesin Canal #1

Shamshoon(Dolly) married Haseeb ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 334 M    i. Talim __________ .

Shamshoon(Dolly) next married Raymond ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 335 M    i. Tony __________ .

+ 336 M    ii. Asif __________ .

+ 337 F    iii. Shaneeza __________ .

150. Fazil __________ (Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) was born in Nov 1960.

General Notes: Lives in Ruby, West Coast in Guyana

Fazil married Rakhee ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 338 M    i. Wazim __________ .

+ 339 M    ii. Shazim __________ .

151. Shymoon KHUDRAT (Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) was born in 1963 in Windsorforest.

General Notes: Lived in Wakernaam. Now living in New York.

Shymoon married Haroon LATIFF , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Haroon was born in Tiger Island(Hamburg).

General Notes: Owned a saw mill in Wakernaam. Now lives in New york.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 340 M    i. Ahmad Abadi LATIFF was born in Apr 1983 in Medical Arts Centre in G/T.

+ 341 F    ii. Safrana LATIFF was born in 1992 in Woodland Hospital.

152. Rahaman(Papo) __________ (Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Rahaman(Papo) married Reshma ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

153. Farida __________ (Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) was born in Jan 1968.

General Notes: Once had a business located in Big Market.

Farida married Pramo ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 342 F    i. Mama __________ .

+ 343 M    ii. Gigo __________ .

+ 344 M    iii. Bob __________ .

+ 345 F    iv. Naliza __________ .

154. Yusuf Jr. HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, canada

Yusuf married Juliet ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 346 F    i. Fazie HACK .

155. Fizul HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in the west end of Toronto, Canada

Fizul married Zabeeda ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 347 M    i. Sheraz HACK .

+ 348 F    ii. Shariza HACK .

156. Farouk HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Scarborough, Canada

Farouk married Donna ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Donna was born in Jamaica.

General Notes: She is a christian.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 349 F    i. Nadia HACK .

+ 350 F    ii. Alicia HACK .

157. Zinul HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Scarborough, Canada

Zinul married Zahaida ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 351 F    i. Sophie HACK .

+ 352 F    ii. Shenaz HACK .

158. Hanif HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in the west end of Toronto, Canada

Hanif married Patsie ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: She is of the Catholic faith.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 353 M    i. Hafeez HACK was born in 1982.

+ 354 M    ii. Eric(Asif) HACK was born in 1983.

159. Yasmin HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1962 in Georgetown.

General Notes: Lives in the west end of Toronto, Canada

Yasmin married Rasheed MOHAMMED , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Rasheed was born on 1 Aug 1959.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 355 M    i. Imran MOHAMMED was born in Nov 1983 in Trinidad.

+ 356 M    ii. Yaseen MOHAMMED was born in Aug 1985 in Trinidad.

+ 357 M    iii. Aleem MOHAMMED was born in Dec 1990 in Trinidad.

+ 358 M    iv. Faoud MOHAMMED was born in Oct 1993 in TORONTO.

160. Nafeeza HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

Nafeeza married Godfrey ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 359 M    i. Kelvin __________ .

+ 360 F    ii. Michelle __________ .

161. Azeez HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

Azeez married Karen ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

162. Aazam HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

Aazam married Nadira(Devi) KHEDOO , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 361 F    i. Amena HACK was born on 3 Jan 1995 in Etobicoke Hospital, TORONTO.

+ 362 M    ii. Imran Mohamed HACK was born in Jul 1997 in St Micheal Hospital, TORONTO.

163. Safraz HACK (Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

164. Kemal HAMID (Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in the east end of Scarborough, Canada, He is a graduate of Ryerson University.

Kemal married Sandra ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Sandra was born on 8 Aug 1950 in Guyana.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 363 F    i. Tisha HAMID was born in Guyana.

+ 364 F    ii. Tania HAMID was born in TORONTO.

165. Fazia HAMID (Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives inScarborough, Canada

Fazia married Brama SEEPERSAUD ,(Died Feb. 25th 2022) son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 365 M    i. Rohan SEEPERSAUD .

+ 366 M    ii. Nicholas SEEPERSAUD .

166. Jemal HAMID (Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

Jemal married Valrie POTTER , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 367 F    i. Lisa HAMID .

167. Ryhad HAMID (Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Dec 1953.

General Notes: He has been researching the family tree of his four grandparents since 1984. Lives in Thornhill, canada. and is the webmaster of, a popular Guyana web site. He is an Evangelical Christian.

Ryhad married Bibi Fazie BACCHUS , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 368 M    i. Ryan Edwin Abdool HAMID was born in Dec 1980.

+ 369 F    ii. Christine Elizabeth Fara HAMID was born in Oct 1983.

168. Rafeek HAMID (Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives ineast end of Scarborough, Canada

Rafeek married Carmen ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 370 F    i. Linda HAMID .

+ 371 F    ii. Aleya HAMID .

169. Khamrool ALI (Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in May 1944.

General Notes: lives in Commings lodge, Guyana

Khamrool married Teddy PERSAUD , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 372 F    i. Vanessa(Fannie) PERSAUD was born in March 1964.

+ 373 M    ii. Wayne PERSAUD was born in Nov 1965.

+ 374 M    iii. Ganish PERSAUD was born January 1970.

+ 375 M    iv. Amitabh PERSAUD . was born September 1974

170. Nesha Zorha ALI (Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

Nesha married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 376 F    i. Zibeena(Zai) . was born May 31st. 1972

+ 377 M    ii. Sideek Ray . was born January 1979

171. Zulaika ALI (Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Nov 1952.

Zulaika married Reynold ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Reynold ____________ died.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 378 M    i. Nazim . was born August 8th. 1972

+ 379 F    ii. Veona . was born November

+ 380 M    iii. John . was born 1978

+ 381 M    iv. Junior __________ .

172. Mustak ALI (Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Jul 1951.

173. Amena HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in England. She was from Alice first husband.

Amena married Patrick GRAHAM , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 382 F    i. Maryam HAMID .

+ 383 F    ii. Towana GRAHAM .

Amina next married Wilfred PARKER , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

174. Fizul HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in New York.

Fizul married Janet ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 384 F    i. Nafeeza HAMID was born in 1981.

+ 385 M    ii. Arif HAMID was born in 1987.

175. Fazil(Bobby) HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Newq York with his brothers.

176. Nazil HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in New York

Nazil married Yasmin KANEESA , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 386 M    i. Rafiq HAMID was born in 1989.

177. Fazela HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Apr 1965 in Windsor, Guyana.

General Notes: Lives in London, England

Fazela married Rasheed KHAN ((He died on Feb 2nd 2021 in England ), son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 387 M    i. Omar Sharief KHAN was born in Oct 1976 in London, England.

+ 388 F    ii. Sabina KHAN was born in Mar 1980 in London, England.

178. Shamil HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

Shamil married Paro WISMA , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

179. Mozamil HAMID (Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

180. Amral Omar KHAN (Saheiman YASSIN66, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto , Canada

Amral married Bibi (Baby) KHAN , daughter of Inshan and Khulsum of Meten-Meer-Zorg. Sadly, Baby went to Guyana on September 30th. 2014 to attend her father's funeral and she herself took in sick on the day of the funeral (October 4th. 2014). She was admitted to the hospital and died the very next day, Sunday October 5th. 2014  due to a heart attack.

Her body was brought back to Toronto for burial and she was laid to rest at Pineridge Cemetery. Garden of Paradise Lot 005001 Space B3, a future spot B4 is reserved there for her husband Amral Khan

Children from this marriage were:

+ 389 F    i. Bibi Sheliza Rabina KHAN was born in Aug 1987 in Scarborough. Has two children Ayaz Ghafur born Feb 13th 2017 and Inaaya Ghafur born Dec 13th. 2018

+ 390 M    ii. Azad Amral KHAN was born in July 1989 in Scarborough. - Azad married to Nabila on August 13th. 2022. They have one son Amaar Azad Khan born on April 27th. 2024

+ 391 M    iii. Amir Riaz KHAN was born in Sep 1994 in Scarborough.

181. Khalid YASSIN (Khalam Azad YASSIN67, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto Canada.

Khalid married Majida ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 392 F    i. Suad YASSIN .

182. Arif YASSIN (Khalam Azad YASSIN67, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada.

Arif married Farah ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

183. Saud YASSIN (Khalam Azad YASSIN67, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

184. Foad YASSIN (Khalam Azad YASSIN67, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

185. Sarah YASSIN (Khalam Azad YASSIN67, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

186. Tara YASSIN (Nizam YASSIN68, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

187. Tariq YASSIN (Nizam YASSIN68, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

188. Sudan ALI (Leonie BACCHUS70, Nasiban(Aunty Rabbie) Subil18, Maxudan3, Najew1).

189. Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED (Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: lives in Queens. NY. His birth certificate name is Zahurdeen- He later changed it to what it should have been- Zahur Uddeen.

Zahur married Bibi Zamila KHATUN , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________, on 12 Jan 1964 in Farm Village, East Bank, Essequibo.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 393 F    i. Bibi Zalina UDDEEN was born in Nov 1965 in Meten meer zorg, died in Nov 1965 in Metenmeerzol, and was buried in Nov 1965 in Metemeerzol, lot 65 on the main rd.

+ 394 M    ii. Mohammed Hussein UDDEEN was born in May 1966 in Vergenoen, east bank.

+ 395 M    iii. Mohamed Nizameeden MOHAMMED was born in May 1967 in Dewilliams, Lot 89, South Housing Scheem.

+ 396 F    iv. Bibi Halima MOHAMMED was born in Oct 1968 in Dewilliams, Lot 89, South Housing Scheem.

+ 397 F    v. Fazila UDDEEN was born in Apr 1971 in Dewilliam, Lot 2, South Housing Scheem.

+ 398 M    vi. Mohamed Fazal UDDEEN was born in Aug 1974 in Leanora Cottage Hospital and died in zeeburg Cemetery.

He never married.

190. Hanif MOHAMMED (Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: Died os an apperent heart attack during a fire in his home.

Hanif married Unknown ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 399 F    i. Shameeza MOHAMMED .

191. Shahabadeen MOHAMMED (Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: His wife was related to him. he and his wife were forth cousins. They did not know this until the day of their wedding.

192. Omar ABDUL'HAQQ (Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

Omar married Susan CUMMINGS , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 400 M    i. Tariq ABDUL'HAQQ .

+ 401 F    ii. Isha ABDUL'HAQQ .

193. Khalid ABDUL'HAQQ (Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

194. Saffiyah ABDUL'HAQQ (Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

Saffiyah married Abdi shaqui MOHAMMED , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 402 F    i. Tasneem MOHAMMED .

+ 403 M    ii. Hamza MOHAMMED .

+ 404 M    iii. Ibrahim MOHAMMED .

195. Ahmad ABDUL'HAQQ (Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: His twin brother's name is Kamal

196. Kamal ABDUL'HAQQ (Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: His twin brother's name is Ahmad

197. Rakeda McDOOM (Zamirudeen McDOOM87, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

198. Unknown McDOOM (Zamirudeen McDOOM87, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

199. Shazeeda KHAWAJA (Yasmin McDOOM89, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

Shazeeda married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 405 F    i. Unknown __________ .

+ 406 M    ii. Muaadh DUPUIS .

200. Shireen SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shireen married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 407 M    i. Mark Anthony SHAW .1

201. Ahmad SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

202. Imran SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

203. Safdar SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

204. Amjad SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

205. Zaman SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

206. Zorida SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

207. Bobby SHAH (Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

208. Zaman SHAH (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born 1950's.

Zaman married Shimoon SATTAUR , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Zaman next married Fazeena ALI , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 408 F    i. Allana SHAH .

209. Lielun Nahar SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Lielun married Ramlall ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 409 F    i. Shaneez __________ .

+ 410 M    ii. Raymond __________ .

+ 411 M    iii. Rohan __________ .

Lielun next married Rohan POONOW , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 412 M    i. Ryan POONOW .

+ 413 M    ii. Randy POONOW .

210. Jamal SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Jamal married Nandanee(Nafeeza) ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 414 M    i. David Micheal SHAW .

+ 415 M    ii. Andrew Bernard SHAW .

+ 416 M    iii. Donald SHAW .

211. Kamal SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Kamal married Farida ALI , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 417 M    i. SafaraAli SHAW .

Kamal next married Shakila YACOUB , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 418 M    i. Arif Ali SHAW .

+ 419 M    ii. Sharook Ali SHAW .

212. Noorun Nahar SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Noorun married Surish PERSAUD , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 420 M    i. Adrian PERSAUD .

Noorun next married Victor ADDAWOO , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 421 F    i. Lindsay ADDAWOO .

+ 422 F    ii. Angela ADDAWOO .

213. Shamelun Nahar SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shamelun married Joseph BUTNAH , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 423 M    i. Matthew Adam BUTNAH .

214. Jameel SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1959 and died in 1976.

215. Cameel SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1964.

216. Omar SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in the west end of Toronto,Canada.

Omar married Stacy Lyn O'CONNOR , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Stacy was born 1970's in Wisconsyn, America.

217. Shimoon Nahar SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shimoon married Ganish ARJUN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 424 F    i. Cathleen ARJUN .

+ 425 F    ii. Karen ARJUN .

218. Rakioon Nahar SHAW (Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Rakioon married Mohammed Rafee Ali ABDUL , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

219. Safdar Ali (Buddy) SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) died in 2000 in New York City, and was buried in New York City.

General Notes: He died at the age of 46 in the year 2000 in New York of a heart attack.

Safdar married Peggy ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 426 M    i. Rayan Ali SHAH .

+ 427 M    ii. Damion Ali SHAH .

220. Asgar Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in New York

Asgar married Asha ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 428 F    i. Nareena SHAH .

+ 429 F    ii. Narian SHAH .

221. Raymond SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in New York.

Raymond married Lyneete BANGOREE , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 430 M    i. Junior SHAH .

+ 431 F    ii. Thrisha SHAH .

222. Sharee Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Orlando.

Sharee married Roshan HAMID , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 432 M    i. Emil Adnan HAMID .

+ 433 F    ii. Aliyah Alissa MOHAMMED .

223. Colin Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

224. Zaman Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

225. Kairool Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

226. Amina Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

227. Akleema Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

228. Rehanna Ali SHAH (Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

229. Rahaman GAFOOR (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

230. Zarena GAFOOR (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

231. Mariam GAFOOR (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Married her third cousin on 28th february, 1965 at her grand mother home in Lajealoucy. Lived in Surinam for over 20 years.

Mariam married Shahabadeen MOHAMMED , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He married his third cousin. On the day of their marriage they were informed of their family background.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 434 F    i. Bibi Zamina SHAHABADEEN was born in 1965 in Meten meer zorg, lot 65 on the main rd.

+ 435 F    ii. Bibi Amina SHAHABADEEN was born in 1967 in Meten meer zorg.

+ 436 M    iii. Kamaladeen SHAHABADEEN was born in Oct 1968 in Meten meer zorg.

+ 437 F    iv. Bibi Nazmoon SHAHABADEEN was born in Sep 1970 in Meten meer zorg.

+ 438 F    v. Bibi waheeda SHAHABADEEN was born in May 1974 in Lenora village Hospital.

Mariam next married Mohan Ram ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 439 M    i. Jamalodeen RAM was born in Jan 1977 in skeldon Hospital, Berbice.

+ 440 F    ii. Nadira RAM was born in Jun 1978 in Lenora cottage Hospital.

+ 441 F    iii. Indira RAM was born in Oct 1979 in skeldon Hospital, Berbice.

232. Rostom GAFOOR (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Died at 2 years old.

233. Mohammad Samsodeen KHAN (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: as of feb. 2005 lives in Maicony creek

Mohammad married Zena ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 442 M    i. Haseem KHAN .

+ 443 F    ii. Sefa KHAN .

234. Mohammed Nordeen KHAN (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Mohammed married Shiroon ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

235. Mohammed Bashodeen KHAN (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Mohammed married Nariman ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 444 M    i. Raymond KHAN .

+ 445 F    ii. Lila KHAN .

236. Zena MOHAMAD (Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

237. Rasheed KHAN (Khaipool Isha SHAH102, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in London,England.His wife is also his cousin. He is a jeweller and has his own store.

238. Rehanna KHAN (Khaipool Isha SHAH102, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Guyana and died in London, England.

General Notes: Died in London. Had an infection and Doctor injected her with Peninsulin without testing if she was allergic to it. She died from being allergic to it. She was a brilliant girl and excelled inthe english language.

239. Nariman AZEEZ (Meriam Nesha mother SHAH103, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Georgetown, Guyana.

240. Fariena AZEEZ (Meriam Nesha mother SHAH103, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

241. Salee AZEEZ (Meriam Nesha mother SHAH103, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

242. Fizul AZEEZ (Meriam Nesha mother SHAH103, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

243. Mobiena AZEEZ (Meriam Nesha mother SHAH103, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

244. Basil MANGRA (Iris Amina KHAN104, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: lives in Florida

Basil married Magna ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Polish background

245. Enid MANGRA (Iris Amina KHAN104, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Enid married Kamal KHAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Lives in florida

246. Yevone(Vannie) MANGRA (Iris Amina KHAN104, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Yevone(Vannie) married Habibe HANIF , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: lives inFlorida

247. Micheal(Buggie) MANGRA (Iris Amina KHAN104, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Micheal(Buggie) married Naline ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Lives in Florida

248. Jayadevi(Jenny) RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Jayadevi(Jenny) married Moses ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

249. Subhas RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Subhas married Debbie ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 446 M    i. Brian RAMROOP .

250. Safe RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Safe married Shanta ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

251. Scotty RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Scotty married Bibi ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

252. Krishna(whitey) RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Krishna(whitey) married Sita ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

253. Dillip RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Dillip married Anni ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

254. Kamini(Jackie) RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Kamini(Jackie) married Tamesh ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

255. Jaharwarlall RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) died at 24 years in Guyana. Shot at Pagwa festival.

256. Ringsing(Bobby) RAMROOP (Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: He is a Doctor in Georgetown. he studied Medicine in India.

Ringsing(Bobby) married Rosan ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

257. Salina KHAN (Ahmad108, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Salina married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

258. Mamodeen(Deen) KHAN (Ahmad108, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Have two boys.

Mamodeen(Deen) married Sherry ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Have two boys.

259. Halima(Holly) KHAN (Ahmad108, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Have one boy

Halima(Holly) married Neaz ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

260. Fazina KHAN (Nizam109, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Married with one girl.

261. Nazim KHAN (Nizam109, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Married with one boy and girl.

262. Asif KHAN (Nizam109, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

263. Wazim KHAN (Nizam109, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Not married

264. Bibi Wazifa HUSSEIN (Halima(Baba) KHAN110, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Bibi married Omar ABAS , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 447 F    i. Sofie ABAS .

+ 448 F    ii. Abida ABAS .

265. Marzena HUSSEIN (Halima(Baba) KHAN110, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Marzena married Amzad ABRAHIM , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 449 M    i. Mohammad aslam ABRAHIM was born on 16 Dec 1993.

266. Fazia MOHAMEED (Amna KHAN111, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Fazia married Ameer ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 450 M    i. Sharaz __________ .

267. Fameeda __________ (Amna KHAN111, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Fameeda married Azad BACCHUS , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 451 M    i. Areeb BACCHUS .

+ 452 F    ii. Farahanna BACCHUS .

268. Monica KHAN (Rasheed112, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

269. Rodrigue KHAN (Rafeek113, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

270. Reginal KHAN (Rafeek113, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

271. Rehanna MOHAMMED (Safora(Jean) KHAN114, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1972.

Rehanna married Jack ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

272. Susan MOHAMMED (Safora(Jean) KHAN114, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1976.

273. Alysia MOHAMMED (Safora(Jean) KHAN114, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1985.

274. Bibi Sharifan __________ (Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Vergennugen

Bibi married Sheik Ishmeal MOHAMMAD , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 453 F    i. Bibi Nazeema MOHAMMAD .

+ 454 F    ii. Bibi Nafeeza MOHAMMAD .

Bibi next married Shiek RAHAMAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Died of Cancer

275. Abdoul AZEEZ (Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Grewup in Metermerzorg. Lives in New York. He provided All information on his fathert's family.

Abdoul married Bibi Rakhia RAOHIQUE , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: She grew up in Zeeburg

Children from this marriage were:

+ 455 F    i. Rafeena Raqueba AZEEZ .

+ 456 M    ii. Irshad Salahudin AZEEZ .

+ 457 M    iii. Suliman AZEEZ .

276. Bibi Shaimoon __________ (Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Pickering, Ontario.

Bibi married Jai PERSAUD , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 458 M    i. Raymond PERSAUD .

+ 459 F    ii. Sheliza PERSAUD .

277. Bibi Haneefa(Golin) __________ (Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Bibi married Patric THORNE , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 460 F    i. Samantha THORNE .

+ 461 F    ii. Patricia THORNE .

+ 462 M    iii. Jazid THORNE .

278. Abdool Azad __________ (Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Single.

279. Azeem KARIM (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: He is around 50 years old and lives in Toronto.

Azeem married Patricia ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 463 F    i. Fazeela KARIM .

+ 464 F    ii. Faneeza KARIM .

280. Shireen KARIM (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shireen married Unknown SHERIFF , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 465 M    i. Fizal SHERIFF .

+ 466 M    ii. Asif SHERIFF .

+ 467 F    iii. Tasleema SHERIFF .

281. Raymond RASOOL (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Raymond married Sandra ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 468 M    i. Noah RASOOL .

+ 469 F    ii. Sameela RASOOL .

282. Shamir RASOOL (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shamir married Shamira ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 470 M    i. Azaradeen RASOOL .

+ 471 F    ii. Alisha RASOOL .

283. Shahaad RASOOL (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shahaad married Fazeda ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 472 M    i. Sheed RASOOL .

+ 473 M    ii. Rishad RASOOL .

284. Shafeek RASOOL (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shafeek married Lazaroon LATIFF , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 474 M    i. Zahir RASOOL .

+ 475 M    ii. Tahir RASOOL .

285. Shanaaz RASOOL (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Shanaaz married Tariq HUSSAIN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 476 F    i. Alisa HUSSAIN .

286. Fazeena RASOOL (Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Fazeena married Amir RAMOTAR , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

287. Yasmin __________ (Jacko118, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

288. Sharmin __________ (Jacko118, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

289. Azad __________ (Jacko118, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

290. Bibi Shanaz __________ (Razak119, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

291. Anaz __________ (Razak119, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

292. Sharida __________ (Razak119, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

293. Shareen BAKSH (Bigboy BAKSH120, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

294. Fizul BAKSH (Bigboy BAKSH120, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

295. Portia __________ (Meena BAKSH121, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

296. Edris __________ (Meena BAKSH121, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

297. Roy __________ (Meena BAKSH121, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

298. Neezo boy BAKSH (Farouk BAKSH122, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

299. Sherry BAKSH (Farouk BAKSH122, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

300. Aliah BAKSH (Windsor BAKSH123, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

301. Saeed BAKSH (Windsor BAKSH123, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1982 and died in 1999.

General Notes: Died in Guyana under misterious circumstances

302. Tariq BAKSH (Windsor BAKSH123, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

303. Benjamin ALI (Asgar ALI127, Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1996.

304. Alexander ALI (Zulfikar ALI128, Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1993.

305. Nasseer(Bobby) ALI (Farouk ALI129, Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1982.

306. Anis ALI (Farouk ALI129, Sherazade Baby53, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1984.

307. John Benjamin Mohamed RAMDIHAL (Nazleene MOHAMED131, Shaimune54, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in Jul 1987.

308. Tiffany Eliza MOHAMED (Abdul MOHAMED132, Shaimune54, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in Apr 1988.

309. Fareeda Renata Kateri Ali BULLERT (Bibi Waheeda ALI133, Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in Apr 1990 in New York City.

310. Nicole ALI (Hazrat ALI134, Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1992 in New York City.

311. Justin ALI (Hazrat ALI134, Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1995 in New York City.

312. Alisha ALI (Imran ALI135, Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1988 in New York City.

313. Aaron ALI (Imran ALI135, Farida55, Fatima12, Najew1) was born in 1993 in New York City.

314. Faris KHAN (Mohamed Iqbal KHAN136, Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

315. Rabina KHAN (Mohammed Hafeez KHAN137, Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

316. Shabana KHAN (Mohammed Hafeez KHAN137, Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

317. Aftab Mohamed KHAN (Mohammed Hafeez KHAN137, Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

318. Razwan KHAN (Azeem KHAN138, Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

319. Sabihah KHAN (Azeem KHAN138, Saleema SATTAUR56, Fatima12, Najew1).

Sixth Generation

320. Wahab __________ (Shalim140, Shakoor(Sakor)58, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: livesin Queens

Wahab married Unknown ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Married a hindi girl

321. Nafeeza __________ (Majeed(Buddy Boy)144, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

322. Shafeeza __________ (Majeed(Buddy Boy)144, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Died by drowding in trench at age 11 in front of yard where they lived

323. Videa __________ (Babylyn145, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

324. Baboo __________ (Babylyn145, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

325. Tut __________ (Babylyn145, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

326. Vijai __________ (Babylyn145, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

General Notes: Lioves in bronx

327. Rafeena __________ (Bibi Khartoon146, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

328. Salim __________ (Amina147, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

329. Alim __________ (Amina147, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

330. Dian __________ (Amina147, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

331. Ryad __________ (Halima148, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

332. Shabeena __________ (Halima148, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

333. Rahim(bayta)(Beta Beta) __________ (Halima148, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

Rahim(bayta)(Beta married Nazeela ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 477 F    i. Shazina __________ .

+ 478 F    ii. Waseefa __________ .

+ 479 M    iii. Nayieem __________ .

334. Talim __________ (Shamshoon(Dolly)149, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

335. Tony __________ (Shamshoon(Dolly)149, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

336. Asif __________ (Shamshoon(Dolly)149, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

337. Shaneeza __________ (Shamshoon(Dolly)149, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

338. Wazim __________ (Fazil150, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

339. Shazim __________ (Fazil150, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

340. Ahmad Abadi LATIFF (Shymoon KHUDRAT151, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) was born in Apr 1983 in Medical Arts Centre in G/T.

341. Safrana LATIFF (Shymoon KHUDRAT151, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1) was born in 1992 in Woodland Hospital.

342. Mama __________ (Farida153, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

343. Gigo __________ (Farida153, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

344. Bob __________ (Farida153, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

345. Naliza __________ (Farida153, Juma60, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

346. Fazie HACK (Yusuf Jr. HACK154, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

Fazie married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 480 F    i. Shaida __________ .

347. Sheraz HACK (Fizul HACK155, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

348. Shariza HACK (Fizul HACK155, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

349. Nadia HACK (Farouk HACK156, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

350. Alicia HACK (Farouk HACK156, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Scarborough, Canada

351. Sophie HACK (Zinul HACK157, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

352. Shenaz HACK (Zinul HACK157, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

353. Hafeez HACK (Hanif HACK158, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1982.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto. Bachelor of Science graduate at Ryerson University

354. Eric(Asif) HACK (Hanif HACK158, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1983.

General Notes: Lives in New Jersey, New York

355. Imran MOHAMMED (Yasmin HACK159, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Nov 1983 in Trinidad.

356. Yaseen MOHAMMED (Yasmin HACK159, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Aug 1985 in Trinidad.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

357. Aleem MOHAMMED (Yasmin HACK159, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Dec 1990 in Trinidad.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

358. Faoud MOHAMMED (Yasmin HACK159, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Oct 1993 in TORONTO.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

359. Kelvin __________ (Nafeeza HACK160, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

360. Michelle __________ (Nafeeza HACK160, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

361. Amena HACK (Aazam HACK162, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born on 3 Jan 1995 in Etobicoke Hospital, TORONTO.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

362. Imran Mohamed HACK (Aazam HACK162, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Jul 1997 in St Micheal Hospital, TORONTO.

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

363. Tisha HAMID (Kemal HAMID164, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Guyana.

General Notes: She is a graduate of York University.

364. Tania HAMID (Kemal HAMID164, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in TORONTO.

General Notes: She is a graduate of York University

365. Rohan SEEPERSAUD (Fazia HAMID165, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

366. Nickie SEEPERSAUD (Fazia HAMID165, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

367. Lisa HAMID (Jemal HAMID166, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in North York, Toronto with her family.

Lisa married Shaun DOWLING , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 481 M    i. Kyle DOWLING .

+ 482 M    ii. Conner DOWLING .

368. Ryan Edwin Abdool HAMID (Ryhad HAMID167, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Dec 1980.

General Notes: He is a Graduate of the University of Toronto. He volunteers building homes for Habitat for Humanity

369. Christine Elizabeth Fara HAMID (Ryhad HAMID167, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Oct 1983.

General Notes: As of March, 2005-attends York university. She teaches sunday school at the Peoples Church and volunteers teaching children who need help in learning.

370. Linda HAMID (Rafeek HAMID168, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Ajax, Canada

Linda married Mahesh(Chummy) SEEPERSAUD , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 483 F    i. Bryanna SEEPERSAUD .

+ 484 F    ii. Auryanna SEEPERSAUD .

371. Aleya HAMID (Rafeek HAMID168, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada. As of April,2005- attends York University

372. Vanessa(Fannie) PERSAUD (Khamrool ALI169, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Jan 1964.

Vanessa(Fannie) married ____________ DASS , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 485 F    i. Chitra DASS . was born January 29th. 1987

373. Wayne PERSAUD (Khamrool ALI169, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Nov 1965.

374. Ganish PERSAUD (Khamrool ALI169, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

375. Amitabh PERSAUD (Khamrool ALI169, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

376. Zabeeda(zai) __________ (Nesha Zorha ALI170, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

377. Raymond __________ (Nesha Zorha ALI170, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

378. Nazim __________ (Zulaika ALI171, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

379. Veona __________ (Zulaika ALI171, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

380. John __________ (Zulaika ALI171, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

381. Junior __________ (Zulaika ALI171, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

382. Margaret HAMID (Amina HAMID173, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

Margaret married Unknown ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 486 F    i. Kamilla __________ .

+ 487 M    ii. Mohamed __________ .

383. Towana GRAHAM (Amina HAMID173, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

384. Nafeeza HAMID (Fizul HAMID174, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1981.

385. Arif HAMID (Fizul HAMID174, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1987.

386. Rafiq HAMID (Nazil HAMID176, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in 1989.

387. Omar Sharief KHAN (Fazila HAMID177, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Oct 1976 in London, England.

388. Sabina KHAN (Fazila HAMID177, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Mar 1980 in London, England.

389. Bibi Sheliza Rabina KHAN (Amral Omar KHAN180, Saheman YASSIN66, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Aug 1987 in Scarborough.

390. Azad Amral KHAN (Amral Omar KHAN180, Saheman YASSIN66, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Jul 1989 in Scarborough.

391. Amir Riaz KHAN (Amral Omar KHAN180, Saheman YASSIN66, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1) was born in Sep 1994 in Scarborough.

392. Suad YASSIN (Khalid YASSIN181, Khalam Azad YASSIN67, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

393. Bibi Zalina UDDEEN (Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Nov 1965 in Meten meer zorg, died in Nov 1965 in Metenmeerzol, and was buried in Nov 1965 in Metemeerzol, lot 65 on the main rd.

General Notes: Her birth was normal. When she was six days old the midwife nurse was bathing her and she suddenly started to turn blue and died in the nurse hands.

394. Mohammed Hussein UDDEEN (Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in May 1966 in Vergenoen, east bank.

General Notes: Lived in Queens, N.Y abnout 11 years.

Mohammed married Shareen KHAN , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________, in Dec 2002 in abeedeen masjid in Queens.

General Notes: She is from Leanora

Children from this marriage were:

+ 488 F    i. Farah Amera UDDEEN was born in Jun 2003 in Hospital in Queens.

+ 489 M    ii. Faraad UDDEEN was born in Feb 2004 in Hospital in Queens.

395. Mohamed Nizameeden MOHAMMED (Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in May 1967 in Dewilliams, Lot 89, South Housing Scheem.

General Notes: Lives in Queens, N.Y

396. Bibi Halima MOHAMMED (Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Oct 1968 in Dewilliams, Lot 89, South Housing Scheem.

General Notes: She lives in Meten Meer Zorg, 91 Meten Meer Zorg east housing scheem. she has lived there for about 10 years.

Bibi married Amrudeen Khan TWAHEER , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He is from Zeelugt, North housing scheem, east bank, essequibo

Children from this marriage were:

+ 490 F    i. Alisha TWAHEER was born in Jan 1992 in Dewilliam, Lot 2, South Housing Scheem.

+ 491 F    ii. Areesa Khan TWAHEER was born in Sep 1994 in Dewilliam, Lot 2, South Housing Scheem.

+ 492 M    iii. Aslam Khan TWAHEER was born in Jun 1995 and died july1996 in zeeburg Cemetery.

397. Fazila UDDEEN (Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Apr 1971 in Dewilliam, Lot 2, South Housing Scheem.

General Notes: She lives at Dewilliam lot 2

Fazila married Roy COOBLALL , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________, in 1992.

General Notes: He is from a hindu family in Tuschen, east bank, essequibo.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 493 F    i. Christina COOBLALL was born in Jun 1993 in St Joseph Hospital, Georgetown.

+ 494 M    ii. Kishore COOBLALL was born in Apr 1995 in St Joseph Hospital, Georgetown.

+ 495 F    iii. Lakhpati COOBLALL was born in Oct 1999 in Woodlands Hospital, Georgetown.

398. Mohamed Fazal UDDEEN (Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Aug 1974 in Leanora Cottage Hospital and died in zeeburg Cemetery.

General Notes: He went swimming behind Zeeberg High School in the ocean where he drown. His clothes was left on the sea wall. When he did not return home , family and friends went looking for him. His father friends dived into the water and recovered his body after the tides went out.

He never married.

399. Shameeza MOHAMMED (Hanif MOHAMMED190, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1).

General Notes: She lives in NY.

Shameeza married Fazil HATIM , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 496 M    i. Imran HATIM .

400. Tariq ABDUL'HAQQ (Omar ABDUL'HAQQ192, Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

401. Isha ABDUL'HAQQ (Omar ABDUL'HAQQ192, Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

402. Tasneem MOHAMMED (Saffiyah ABDUL'HAQQ194, Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

403. Hamza MOHAMMED (Saffiyah ABDUL'HAQQ194, Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

404. Ibrahim MOHAMMED (Saffiyah ABDUL'HAQQ194, Waleema McDOOM86, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

405. Unknown __________ (Shazeeda KHAWAJA199, Yasmin McDOOM89, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

General Notes: First child died at birth.

406. Muaadh DUPUIS (Shazeeda KHAWAJA199, Yasmin McDOOM89, Meriam(Roni) ALI26, Massoran5, Najew1).

407. Mark Anthony SHAW 1 (Shireen SHAH200, Mohammed Ali SHAH98, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Russia.

408. Allana SHAH (Zaman SHAH208, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

409. Shaneez __________ (Lielun Nahar SHAW209, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

410. Raymond __________ (Lielun Nahar SHAW209, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

411. Rohan __________ (Lielun Nahar SHAW209, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Rohan married Narin ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

412. Ryan POONOW (Lielun Nahar SHAW209, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

413. Randy POONOW (Lielun Nahar SHAW209, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

414. David Micheal SHAW (Jamal SHAW210, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

415. Andrew Bernard SHAW (Jamal SHAW210, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

416. Donald SHAW (Jamal SHAW210, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

417. SafaraAli SHAW (Kamal SHAW211, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

418. Arif Ali SHAW (Kamal SHAW211, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

419. Sharook Ali SHAW (Kamal SHAW211, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

420. Adrian PERSAUD (Noorun Nahar SHAW212, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

421. Lindsay ADDAWOO (Noorun Nahar SHAW212, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

422. Angela ADDAWOO (Noorun Nahar SHAW212, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

423. Matthew Adam BUTNAH (Shamelun Nahar SHAW213, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

424. Cathleen ARJUN (Shimoon Nahar SHAW217, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

425. Karen ARJUN (Shimoon Nahar SHAW217, Jaffar Ali SHAW99, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

426. Rayan Ali SHAH (Safdar Ali (Buddy) SHAH219, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

427. Damion Ali SHAH (Safdar Ali (Buddy) SHAH219, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

428. Nareena SHAH (Asgar Ali SHAH220, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

429. Narian SHAH (Asgar Ali SHAH220, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

430. Junior SHAH (Raymond SHAH221, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

431. Thrisha SHAH (Raymond SHAH221, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

432. Emil Adnan HAMID (Sharee Ali SHAH222, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

433. Aliyah Alissa MOHAMMED (Sharee Ali SHAH222, Hatim SHAH100, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

434. Bibi Zamina SHAHABADEEN (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1965 in Meten meer zorg, lot 65 on the main rd.

General Notes: Lives in West Meten Meer Zorg in scheem. lived there since married.

Bibi married Yacoub ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He is from west Meten Meer Zorg.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 497 F    i. Saleema __________ .

+ 498 M    ii. Arif __________ .

+ 499 F    iii. Sharifa __________ .

435. Bibi Amina SHAHABADEEN (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 1967 in Meten meer zorg.

General Notes: Lives in Wakanam, success for 20 years.

Bibi married Roy KHELAWAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He is from wakaanam.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 500 M    i. Amit KHELAWAN .

+ 501 F    ii. Eurmela KHELAWAN .

436. Kamaladeen SHAHABADEEN (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Oct 1968 in Meten meer zorg.

General Notes: Lives in Padnanwania district.

Kamaladeen married Asha HABIBULLA , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 502 F    i. Tanisha SHAHABADEEN was born in 2006 in Paramaribo, Surinam.

437. Bibi Nazmoon SHAHABADEEN (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Sep 1970 in Meten meer zorg.

General Notes: She was married about 18 years ago. she lives at Haig Seawall rd.

Bibi married Sadique (Mike) ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 503 M    i. Asif __________ .

+ 504 M    ii. Imteaz __________ .

+ 505 M    iii. Fieas __________ .

+ 506 M    iv. Twaheer __________ .

438. Bibi waheeda SHAHABADEEN (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in May 1974 in Lenora village Hospital.

General Notes: Her husband is a guyanese who grew up in Venezuela from a little boy. He has his own business.

Bibi married Redo ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________, in 1988.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 507 M    i. Kareem __________ .

+ 508 F    ii. Fatima __________ .

+ 509 F    iii. Fariza __________ was born in 2002.

439. Jamalodeen RAM (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Jan 1977 in skeldon Hospital, Berbice.

Jamalodeen married Marika ____________ , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: She was Japanese and Indian mixed.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 510 M    i. Nasadeen RAM was born in Jan 1995.

+ 511 M    ii. Jordan RAM was born in Nov 1996.

Jamalodeen next married Diane MOHAMMED , daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: Her father is from Surinam and her mother is from guyana.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 512 M    i. Shamshadeen RAM was born in Mar 2002.

+ 513 M    ii. Faradeen RAM was born in Nov 2005.

440. Nadira RAM (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Jun 1978 in Lenora cottage Hospital.

General Notes: She lives in Surinam.

Nadira married Fizal SATTAR , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 514 F    i. Nisha RAM SATTAR was born in Oct 2004.

441. Indira RAM (Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Oct 1979 in skeldon Hospital, Berbice.

General Notes: She lives in surinam. Married in 1995, 22 July

Indira married Annan SARJEW , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 515 F    i. Prea SARJEW was born in Nov 1997 in Surinam.

+ 516 M    ii. Aman SARJEW was born on 6 Dec 2000.

+ 517 M    iii. Arian SARJEW was born in Apr 2005 in Surinam.

442. Haseem KHAN (Mohammad Samsodeen KHAN233, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

443. Sefa KHAN (Mohammad Samsodeen KHAN233, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

444. Raymond KHAN (Mohammed Bashodeen KHAN235, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

445. Lila KHAN (Mohammed Bashodeen KHAN235, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

446. Brian RAMROOP (Subhas RAMROOP249, Sahidan(Baby)105, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

447. Sofie ABAS (Bibi Wazifa HUSSEIN264, Halima(Baba) KHAN110, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

448. Abida ABAS (Bibi Wazifa HUSSEIN264, Halima(Baba) KHAN110, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

449. Mohammad aslam ABRAHIM (Marzena HUSSEIN265, Halima(Baba) KHAN110, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born on 16 Dec 1993.

450. Sharaz __________ (Fazia MOHAMEED266, Amna KHAN111, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

451. Areeb BACCHUS (Fameeda267, Amna KHAN111, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

452. Farahanna BACCHUS (Fameeda267, Amna KHAN111, Azeez44, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

453. Bibi Nazeema MOHAMMAD (Bibi Sharifan274, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Bibi married Islam NAZEEMUL , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________. Islam NAZEEMUL died in 2004 in New York City.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 518 F    i. Saiema NAZEEMUL was born in Venezuela.

454. Bibi Nafeeza MOHAMMAD (Bibi Sharifan274, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Bibi married Errol JAGGERNAUTH , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 519 F    i. Anisa JAGGERNAUTH .

+ 520 F    ii. Elizabeth JAGGERNAUTH was born in Venezuela.

+ 521 M    iii. Arsaad JAGGERNAUTH .

455. Rafeena Raqueba AZEEZ (Abdoul AZEEZ275, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

456. Irshad Salahudin AZEEZ (Abdoul AZEEZ275, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

457. Suliman AZEEZ (Abdoul AZEEZ275, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

458. Raymond PERSAUD (Bibi Shaimoon276, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Married with two kids.

459. Sheliza PERSAUD (Bibi Shaimoon276, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Sheliza married Mohammed YASIN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

460. Samantha THORNE (Bibi Haneefa(Golin)277, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Samantha married ____________ POORAN , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

461. Patricia THORNE (Bibi Haneefa(Golin)277, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Patricia married Asif ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

462. Jazid THORNE (Bibi Haneefa(Golin)277, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

463. Fazeela KARIM (Azeem KARIM279, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

464. Faneeza KARIM (Azeem KARIM279, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

465. Fizal SHERIFF (Shireen KARIM280, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

466. Asif SHERIFF (Shireen KARIM280, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

467. Tasleema SHERIFF (Shireen KARIM280, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

468. Noah RASOOL (Raymond RASOOL281, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

469. Sameela RASOOL (Raymond RASOOL281, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

470. Azaradeen RASOOL (Shamir RASOOL282, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

471. Alisha RASOOL (Shamir RASOOL282, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

472. Sheed RASOOL (Shahaad RASOOL283, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

473. Rishad RASOOL (Shahaad RASOOL283, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

474. Zahir RASOOL (Shafeek RASOOL284, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

475. Tahir RASOOL (Shafeek RASOOL284, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

476. Alisa HUSSAIN (Shanaaz RASOOL285, Jabbar RASOOL117, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Seventh Generation

477. Shazina __________ (Rahim(bayta)(Beta Beta)333, Halima148, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

478. Waseefa __________ (Rahim(bayta)(Beta Beta)333, Halima148, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

479. Nayieem __________ (Rahim(bayta)(Beta Beta)333, Halima148, Amin59, Hazra (Aunty Shorty)14, Sookia2, Najew1).

480. Shaida __________ (Fazie HACK346, Yusuf Jr. HACK154, Yusuf HACK61, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Toronto, Canada

481. Kyle DOWLING (Lisa HAMID367, Jemal HAMID166, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

482. Conner DOWLING (Lisa HAMID367, Jemal HAMID166, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

483. Bryanna SEEPERSAUD (Linda HAMID370, Rafeek HAMID168, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

484. Auryanna SEEPERSAUD (Linda HAMID370, Rafeek HAMID168, Kyryul HACK62, Hasno (Ma)16, Maxudan3, Najew1).

485. Chitra DASS (Vanessa(Fannie) PERSAUD372, Khamrool ALI169, Bibi Sahedan YASSIN63, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

486. Kamilla __________ (Margaret HAMID382, Amina HAMID173, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

487. Mohamed __________ (Margaret HAMID382, Amina HAMID173, Bibi Zalaika(Aunty Alice) YASSIN64, Juman YASSIN17, Maxudan3, Najew1).

488. Farah Amera UDDEEN (Mohammed Hussein UDDEEN394, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Jun 2003 in Hospital in Queens.

489. Faraad UDDEEN (Mohammed Hussein UDDEEN394, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Feb 2004 in Hospital in Queens.

490. Alisha TWAHEER (Bibi Halima MOHAMMED396, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Jan 1992 in Dewilliam, Lot 2, South Housing Scheem.

491. Areesa Khan TWAHEER (Bibi Halima MOHAMMED396, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Sep 1994 in Dewilliam, Lot 2, South Housing Scheem.

492. Aslam Khan TWAHEER (Bibi Halima MOHAMMED396, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Jun 1995 and died july1996 in zeeburg Cemetery.

General Notes: When he was about 13 months old he may have suffacated when vomiting.

493. Christina COOBLALL (Fazila UDDEEN397, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Jun 1993 in St Joseph Hospital, Georgetown.

494. Kishore COOBLALL (Fazila UDDEEN397, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Apr 1995 in St Joseph Hospital, Georgetown.

495. Lakhpati COOBLALL (Fazila UDDEEN397, Zahur Uddeen (Jahurdeen) MOHAMMED189, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1) was born in Oct 1999 in Woodlands Hospital, Georgetown.

496. Imran HATIM (Shameeza MOHAMMED399, Hanif MOHAMMED190, Ameeran ALI82, Basiran23, Lattefan4, Najew1).

497. Saleema __________ (Bibi Zamina SHAHABADEEN434, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

General Notes: Lives in Legwan

Saleema married Salim ____________ , son of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________.

General Notes: He is from Legwan.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 522 M    i. Kamal __________ .

498. Arif __________ (Bibi Zamina SHAHABADEEN434, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

499. Sharifa __________ (Bibi Zamina SHAHABADEEN434, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

500. Amit KHELAWAN (Bibi Amina SHAHABADEEN435, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

501. Eurmela KHELAWAN (Bibi Amina SHAHABADEEN435, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

502. Tanisha SHAHABADEEN (Kamaladeen SHAHABADEEN436, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 2006 in Paramaribo, Surinam.

503. Asif __________ (Bibi Nazmoon SHAHABADEEN437, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

504. Imteaz __________ (Bibi Nazmoon SHAHABADEEN437, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

505. Fieas __________ (Bibi Nazmoon SHAHABADEEN437, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

506. Twaheer __________ (Bibi Nazmoon SHAHABADEEN437, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

507. Kareem __________ (Bibi waheeda SHAHABADEEN438, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

508. Fatima __________ (Bibi waheeda SHAHABADEEN438, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

509. Fariza __________ (Bibi waheeda SHAHABADEEN438, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in 2002.

510. Nasadeen RAM (Jamalodeen RAM439, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Jan 1995.

511. Jordan RAM (Jamalodeen RAM439, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Nov 1996.

512. Shamshadeen RAM (Jamalodeen RAM439, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Mar 2002.

513. Faradeen RAM (Jamalodeen RAM439, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Nov 2005.

514. Nisha RAM SATTAR (Nadira RAM440, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Oct 2004.

515. Prea SARJEW (Indira RAM441, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Nov 1997 in Surinam.

516. Aman SARJEW (Indira RAM441, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born on 6 Dec 2000.

517. Arian SARJEW (Indira RAM441, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Apr 2005 in Surinam.

518. Saiema NAZEEMUL (Bibi Nazeema MOHAMMAD453, Bibi Sharifan274, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Venezuela.

519. Anisa JAGGERNAUTH (Bibi Nafeeza MOHAMMAD454, Bibi Sharifan274, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

520. Elizabeth JAGGERNAUTH (Bibi Nafeeza MOHAMMAD454, Bibi Sharifan274, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1) was born in Venezuela.

521. Arsaad JAGGERNAUTH (Bibi Nafeeza MOHAMMAD454, Bibi Sharifan274, Shazaman116, Moon46, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).

Eighth Generation

522. Kamal __________ (Saleema497, Bibi Zamina SHAHABADEEN434, Mariam GAFOOR231, Nazmoon Khairool Nesha(Aunty Nesha) SHAH101, Khairool43, Saladin(Dinea)10, Najew1).


1. Anty Isha.